Archive | August 2012

WIPocalypse February Update

This month has seen several projects in the rotation… two which weren’t even on my WIPocalypse list!

First, I finished off the Pink Tulip from The Workbasket.  This was a freebie design that I discovered needed to become part of my collection.  To me, it seems that the wind is blowing and making the stem undulate to it’s dance.

As you can see, I also have the date as last year…. oh well… I thought about doing it last year!  😉

My big brother became engaged on Christmas day and has planned the wedding for February 11th.  Because we didn’t even know that he was seeing anyone, this came as quite a surprise to both Laura and myself.  We are very excited for him and looking forward to meeting Sue Ellen and giving her the scoop on what she’s getting herself into!  😉

When the surprise finally wore off, Laura and I decided that we would work on a joint project for the wedding. We decided on a sampler and found a piece that we could adjust to our needs.

This is a close up of the house portion of the sampler.  We just fell in love with the blue of the house and loved how the floss changed colors throughout.  I liked the roof color because it reminded me of slate.  Then instead of the usual wreath on the door, we opted for a heart to symbolize bringing love into the home.  We also chose to fill the windows with “light” by selecting a soft golden yellow.

This next picture is what I completed before passing it back to Laura.  I found the verse on-line and thought it was perfect for our needs.  I enjoyed stitching both vines and getting the names started for my sis.  I get to see the finished product this weekend and can hardly wait!  I’m sure she will have it posted to her site, so you’ll have to watch for it!

And last but not least, there has been some progress made on Samurai.  I just have his head and the tops of both wing sections to finish and he will be ready for framing.  This has really been a challenge to work on… small count and dark fabric aren’t good for my eyes.

Here’s a closer picture so you can see easier where I’m at.  I’ve just started up his neck and hope to have him all done this weekend… but may not because there are TWO shopping excursions planned.  Oh well…. I’ll keep trudging through and will definitely have a finish to show everyone next month!

I hope everyone had a successful stitching month too.  I look forward to checking out all the blogs and seeing what you’ve been up to!

Chat with you again soon!

WIPocalypse January Update

All righty!  Here we go!  This is the first month of the WIPocalypse, YEAH!!!  So I’m posting my progress below.

I am working on a freebie – The Pink Tulip from the Workbasket ——–>>>

<<<———  and then also a present for my Son, Eric – Samurai by Fire Wing Designs.  It’s on a smaller count than I normally like, combined with the darker fabric, my progress is much slower than I would hope.

BUT this is one month down, and only 11 more to go!  =]

See you again in the posts next month!

Fond Memories – posted 12/10/11

Well… I woke up Saturday morning dreaming of my childhood and all the memories came rushing back to me.  One was triggered by a trip that I took with my BFF Mary just last weekend.  We were driving down Mission road on our way to a day of shopping and girl time.  As we drove, we were admiring all the beautiful houses and scenery we were passing.  I happened to glance to my right and there in a huge picture window, I saw a sock monkey.  He had been posed on the back of the sofa with his legs crossed and his hands resting on his knees.  Too cute!  This made me think of my Granny.  Each year, Granny would make a new sock monkey for each of her grandchildren…and she had a lot!  She had 3 daughters who lived fairly close and each of them had children, totaling 21!

Saturday morning, I was dreaming of our Christmases and the sock monkeys.  This made me think of my Mom and the wonderful gift that she gave me one summer day.  I must have been about 5 or so, because my Sister had not yet arrived in my life.  My Mom was always sewing something because she had to keep up with the 3 boys, me, and my Dad.  She made clothes for all of us and herself.  I don’t really remember having anything bought from the store until I was at least a teen.  So, because she sewed so much, I had not paid attention to what she was working on.  This particular day, I remember coming out of the house and walking over to where she was working in the cool shade of the maple tree.  She had just completed her work and was cutting her thread.  As I walked over, she held up the prize…. my new Sally doll!  This doll was as big as I was and made completely out of left over fabrics from all of our clothes!  She was my new best friend.  I remember receiving 3 dolls my entire life… this one at 5, and jointed doll named Molly when I was about 7, and then a really cool chick who came on my jewelry box when I was in my teens.  Of these dolls, Sally was the most important to me because she was hand made by my Mom just for me.

That poor baby girl went everywhere with me and finally became so decrepit that we had to bury her out in the back yard.  That was a terribly sad day for me.  But by that time, I had a real baby sister who helped replace my old friend.

As I look back now, I can remember thinking we had everything that we ever wanted.  The reality was that we were very poor.  My Father worked hard for the money that he brought home each week.  My Mother did things for people in the neighborhood to earn extra cash for the family. One of those jobs was taking in ironing for which she would earn $0.10 per piece.  As I grew older, she allowed me to take over that job and keep the money that I made for some pocket change.  I resented it at the time, but can see now that it was quite a sacrifice to the family coffers.

I also remembered special things that my brother, Chuck did while I was younger.  Chuck was the oldest.  I always thought that he looked like Paul McCartney, so I was in awe of him.  On one trip back home when I was just going into Junior High School, he taught me how to dance.  We stood in a 3′ x 3′ tiled square at the front door twisting and shaking.  I had never had so much fun in my life!  Now I would be more confident when I went to my first dance.  I also remember when I was stuck in my driveway one morning and couldn’t get out to go to work.  Hysterically, I called my big brother, who had just finished a long night shift.  He calmly came to my rescue and told me what I was doing wrong that caused me not to be able to get out.

I remembered sitting with my Daddy late on Saturday nights and watching scary movies.  He would let me snuggle and cover my head when something bad came on the tv.  The best part though was being able to share his big bowl of popcorn!  My Dad was a quiet man who was more times than not, asleep in the recliner.  But if you needed him, he was there.

As I look towards Christmas this year, I think of those who have passed from my life and are missed deeply.  I also look towards those who are still here keeping my family as one of the strongest, safest places that I know.  I appreciate my sister, Laura and my brother, Eddie more and more as we grow older together.  Siblings are something that you can’t replace, nor would I want to.  My son, Eric is always here with me.  He provides me a sense of security and companionship that I wouldn’t have without him.  I have much to be thankful for in this life… family, friends, health, job… and just the serenity of knowing that I will still be here tomorrow and on into the future.

Thank you for taking the time to read through this long, emotional blog.  I’ve cried the entire way though… but now I feel much lighter in the sharing of my thoughts with you.

I hope that you have a wonderful week!

This entry was posted on August 12, 2012. 1 Comment

Saturday Morning Greetings! – posted 11/19/11

Hi there!  The day looks like it is going to be really pretty…. until you see the winds kick in!  I’m watching out the window as the leaves swirl, bushes shimmy, and trees dance in its wake.  It’s still a pretty day, but I’m glad I’m inside for the time being.  

I wanted to share my current WIP with you.  I’ve started stitching “Tis the Season” from Joyuex Noel by Blackbird Designs.  I’m stitching it on Crystal Haven fabric from Picture This Plus.  I wanted to use this fabric because with the sparkles, it reminds me of a gentle snowy day.  I’m using Vickie Clayton silks tweaked for the fabric.  As you can see, there is some variegation in the floss which is giving him quite a bit of definition.  I think he’s turning out beautiful and can hardly wait to see the entire cardinal appear!  I hope you enjoy him too.

Meet Mr. Penguinee! – November 13, 2011

He’s done!  I had a really tough time seeing the white while I was stitching, but I prevailed and we now have a whole penguin!  Now all that’s left is to stitch him into a pillow and voila!  We have a Christmas present!  I hope you enjoy him as much as I do.    

Blog Entry Yeah for the time change! Nov 8, ’11 6:50 AM
for everyone

Ok, I admit… I hate when we have to switch the clocks.  I understand the reason they set it up that way years ago, but don’t see the need any longer.  I think I did hear a rumble recently that they were looking into standardizing our time now…. or wait!  Maybe that was the earthquake I heard!  Anyone else?

It’s been pretty cool lately, as Fall is in the Midwest.  I’ve had a week long cold, so I’ve been just miserable.  The coughing is just about to get me down. BUT I have cough medicine, so I shall prevail!  =]

I’ve been working on a new project for my son Eric’s fiance, Rhea.  It was actually a freebie from the Workbasket ~ Mr. Penguinee, which as you can tell is a Quaker Penguin. 

I’m working him up on Sterling from PTP, which gives him a real icy feel.  I’m stitching him in Sampler Threads – Blackboard and Chalk.  HA!  I didn’t even see what I was doing here until I wrote it for you.  I guess those two really do go together, huh?  =]  Here’s a close up of his tummy…it’s really pretty!
I hope to have him done this week and then like my Sister ~ Laura ~ I’m on to the Cardinal from Blackbird’s French designs.

Happy Stitching everyone!